Husqvarna automowers are the future of lawn mowing
It’s like a Roomba for your lawn –
Pushing a lawn mower is so 20th century. The sweat, uneven terrain and relentless sunshine that comes with traditional lawn care can be a point of pride for some, but this is a brave new world. Imagine a fully autonomous mower that charges itself, runs on a schedule you can make and set on your smartphone, and – according to several, independent experts – can cut better than traditional mowing.
Husqvarna automowers are not for traditionalists, but for enthusiasts on the cutting edge with the money and patience, the results are staggering. There are a few challenges and quirks about the automower system, but in the long run the pleasures of automowing eclipse any growing pains.
State of the art features
Husqvarna’s new state-of-the-art robotic automower series was designed with simplicity in mind. To ensure the best possible experience, you have to do some homework first. Installation requires that you place a wire along the edge of your lawn, so the machine knows where the borders of the lawn are. This process can be time consuming and a little tedious, but a through set-up will avoid more problems later.
With an automated mower, the less you have to interfere the better. Some of the following features are just simply ground-breaking:
- Recharge time of 45 – 75 minutes (depending on model size), and will self-charge when battery is low.
- Advanced blade system cuts grass so fine there are no clippings to clean up.
- Cuts a little bit, but frequently – the results from your first mow might be underwhelming at first, but after a month the process will make you a believer.
- Husqvarna automowers will stick to their schedule, whether it’s nighttime or in the rain.
- Working capacity of up to 1/2 acre.
- Security measures ensure that no one will be able to steal the automower – there is an onboard alarm system and you can track the system via GPS on your smart phone.
- Issue commands to the mower via the smartphone app, such as “Start”, “Stop”, and “Park” commands from anywhere in the world.
With a Husqvarna Automower, you can enjoy a pristine lawn with none of the usual back-breaking labor. Don’t fret, landscaper friends. There’s still plenty of work to be done trimming, blowing and using the otherwise more badass power tools. But Husqvarna’s automower marks the beginning of a more productive, reliable and environmentally-friendly lawn care future.
2016 Husqvarna Power Equipment Automower 220 AC

Husqvarna Automower 220 AC
This is a more advanced model with higher capacity than the lower tier models. The 220 AC manages both mowing and charging automatically and is suitable for areas up to 1/2 acre. When the battery needs recharging the mower returns to the charging station, charges and then continues mowing. Since this model cuts the grass so frequently, the result is excellent. Using the settings via the keypad and display, the mower can be adjusted to do a first-class job even on lawns with a complicated shape. Installation kit not included.
Power Mower Sales has Husqvarna Automowers
Come check out Husqvarna’s revolutionary automower system at Power Mower Sales. Power Mower Sales is a fully authorized dealer for Husqvarna equipment, OEM parts, repairs and service. Their fully trained and dedicated staff will be able to assist you with any lawn care needs. Talk to one of our fully-trained staff members and see if an automower might work for you. Power Mower Sales staff is available via phone, e-mail but you can also shop online for equipment and parts.